cutting offmy split ends withchildren’s scissors smearing redwatercolor paintacross my lips tearing silkinto a Barbie dress, rhinestoning strings…
when i fell six feet outof the air, i landed in the hotel swimming pool. it erased my memories, charcoal…
At 8:15pm on Fridays, I get to officially have my dad back. At 8:15pm on Fridays, I’m sitting shotgun…
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my mouth is filled with dust and i want to reclaim the new— i …
There’s a sense of comfort in the water. My body glides through as if it…
I’ve never been afraid to bleed. My fingers coated over with dried blood, Yellow crust.…
Sometimes when I look into the vast beauty of the ocean, her powerful unforgiving waves,…
When the world ends, I hope you invite me to dinner. I hope we sit under…
looking to the future, i say, “let me rest for once” but time doesn’t listen, she only puts on…
The stuffed animals / scattered / on this bed / search for a spot / on the ceiling to…
Don’t tell me that nothing is perfect, and don’t tell me that …