Published Submissions
The Howl Archive
Party of One, by Sarah Parmet
cutting offmy split ends withchildren’s scissors smearing redwatercolor paintacross my lips tearing …
Swimming Pool Amnesia, by Sarah Parmet
when i fell six feet outof the air, i landed in the hotel swimming pool.…
8:15pm on Fridays, by Emily A. Kim
At 8:15pm on Fridays, I get to officially have my dad back. At 8:15pm…
Sea as Boy, by Claire Beeli
Towels become skins, …
To Hear Jay-Song, by Claire Beeli
Blue currents ripple through my ribs …
Onions and Oil, by Edissa Rodriguez
The aroma of spices wafted through the kitchen. She carried a set of plates to…
Dust, by Amelia Thomas
my mouth is filled with dust and i want to reclaim the new— i …
The Temptations of a Delicious Grilled Cheese Salty Sandy Sardine Sandwich, by Isaac Margolis
A 10-minute Play OBJECT: A delicious sandwich CHARACTERS …
A Kindred Spirit, by Zathan Ha
Click to enlarge! Zathan Ha Zathan is a senior in high school and is an…
The Water, by Zoë Graber
There’s a sense of comfort in the water. My body glides through as if it…