Poetry,  Published Submissions

Record Keeping, by Lila Schlissel

I think that if you 

took my brain apart you’d find 

a gold mine of music notes 

in my perirhinal cortex, 

spilling out from the flesh like 



I can taste songs like memories, 

feel them like years and summers 

and seasons, smell the soap 

I had used to clean my hands and the 

clothes I had worn in the car. 


My chest aches when I remember the 

tree that holds me, roots stuck fast 

in my heart, my brain, my being, 

that defies my self-isolation with deliberacy


That keeps a plethora of records in my 

subconscious and makes my  heart hurt 

when I remember that I love.

— Lila Schlissel

Lila Schlissel is a student from Danbury High School’s Class of 2023. Outside of being a (self-proclaimed) writer, she is a lemonade-loving, bag-crocheting, paddleboarding, pen-doodling, tap-dancing, book-clubbing, softball-playing, room-messing, sunset-loving, podcast-making, saxophone-playing, sweater-thrifting, headphone-wearing, black-tea-loving, rain-indulgent nerd.